Publikationen am Institut für Bodenkunde

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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 - 40 von 705


Zamanian, K., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Tao, J., Fan, L., Raza, S., Guggenberger, G., & Kuzyakov, Y. (2024). Acidification of European croplands by nitrogen fertilization: Consequences for carbonate losses, and soil health. Science of the Total Environment, 924, Artikel 171631.
Zhang, S., Zamanian, K., Raza, S., Raheb, A., Feng, Y., & Zhao, X. (2024). A balance among irrigation and fertilization regimes to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from saline and alkaline soils. Land degradation & development, 35(1), 168-182.
Zhao, X., Shi, J., Xue, L., Li, W., Zamanian, K., Han, J., & Chen, S. (2024). Water Point and Non-Point Nitrogen Pollution Due to Land-Use Change and Nitrate Deposition in China from 2000 to 2020. Water, 16(10), Artikel 1396.
Zhou, J., Liu, C., Shi, L., & Zamanian, K. (2024). Rhizosphere influence on microbial functions: consequence for temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition at early stage of plant growth. Plant and soil, 494(1-2), 95-109.


Abu Quba, A. A., Goebel, M. O., Karagulyan, M., Miltner, A., Kästner, M., Bachmann, J., Schaumann, G. E., & Diehl, D. (2023). Changes in cell surface properties of Pseudomonas fluorescens by adaptation to NaCl induced hypertonic stress. FEMS Microbes, 4, Artikel xtac028.
Abu Quba, A. A., Goebel, M. O., Karagulyan, M., Miltner, A., Kästner, M., Bachmann, J., Schaumann, G. E., & Diehl, D. (2023). Hypertonic stress induced changes of Pseudomonas fluorescens adhesion towards soil minerals studied by AFM. Scientific reports, 13(1), Artikel 17146.
Ai, J., Banfield, C. C., Shao, G., Zamanian, K., Stürzebecher, T., Shi, L., Fan, L., Liu, X., Spielvogel, S., & Dippold, M. A. (2023). What controls the availability of organic and inorganic P sources in top- and subsoils? A 33P isotopic labeling study with root exudate addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 185, Artikel 109129.
Amelung, W., Meyer, N., Rodionov, A., Knief, C., Aehnelt, M., Bauke, S. L., Biesgen, D., Dultz, S., Guggenberger, G., Jaber, M., Klumpp, E., Kögel-Knabner, I., Nischwitz, V., Schweizer, S. A., Wu, B., Totsche, K. U., & Lehndorff, E. (2023). Process sequence of soil aggregate formation disentangled through multi-isotope labelling. GEODERMA, 429, Artikel 116226.
Angelopoulou, T., Chabrillat, S., Pignatti, S., Milewski, R., Karyotis, K., Brell, M., Ruhtz, T., Bochtis, D., & Zalidis, G. (2023). Evaluation of Airborne HySpex and Spaceborne PRISMA Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data for Soil Organic Matter and Carbonates Estimation. Remote sensing, 15(4), Artikel 1106.
Benard, P., Bachmann, J., Zarebanadkouki, M., Schlüter, S., Blaser, S. R. G. A., Kaestner, A., & Carminati, A. (2023). Variations in pore size and contact angle distributions control rhizosphere rewetting. GEODERMA, 437, Artikel 116576.