Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Guggenberger

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Amelung, W., Tang, N., Siebers, N., Aehnelt, M., Eusterhues, K., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K., Kögel-Knabner, I., Klumpp, E., Knief, C., Kruse, J., Lehndorff, E., Mikutta, R., Peth, S., Ray, N., Prechtel, A., Ritschel, T., Schweizer, S. A., ... Totsche, K. U. (2024). Architecture of soil microaggregates: Advanced methodologies to explore properties and functions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 187(1), 17-50.
Dultz, S., Speth, M., Kaiser, K., Mikutta, R., & Guggenberger, G. (2024). Size, shape, and stability of organic particles formed during freeze–thaw cycles: Model experiments with tannic acid. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 667, 563-574. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Gentsch, N., Riechers, F. L., Boy, J., Schweneker, D., Feuerstein, U., Heuermann, D., & Guggenberger, G. (2024). Cover crops improve soil structure and change organic carbon distribution in macroaggregate fractions. SOIL, 10(1), 139-150.
Kilian Salas, S., Meurer, K. H. E., Boy, D., Díaz García, E., Woche, S. K., Boy, J., Guggenberger, G., Peth, S., Schroeder, P. A., & Jungkunst, H. F. (2024). The “extra pinch” of pseudosand to enhance tropical biogeochemical processes understanding. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 187(2), 161-170.
Liebmann, P., Bárta, J., Vogel, C., Urich, T., Kholodov, A., Varsadiya, M., Mewes, O., Dultz, S., Waqas, M., Wang, H., Shibistova, O., & Guggenberger, G. (2024). Permafrost degradation and its consequences for carbon storage in soils of Interior Alaska. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 167(3), 199-223.
Ming Mou, X., Li, F. C., Jia, B., Chen, J., Guan, Z. H., Li, Y. Q., Guggenberger, G., Kuzyakov, Y., Wang, L., & Gang Li, X. (2024). Decreasing carbon allocation belowground in alpine meadow soils by shrubification. GEODERMA, 443, Artikel 116810.
Tangarife-Escobar, A., Guggenberger, G., Feng, X., Dai, G., Urbina-Malo, C., Azizi-Rad, M., & Sierra, C. A. (2024). Moisture and temperature effects on the radiocarbon signature of respired carbon dioxide to assess stability of soil carbon in the Tibetan Plateau. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 21(5), 1277-1299.
Wang, C., Li, T., Dippold, M. A., Guggenberger, G., Kuzyakov, Y., Banfield, C. C., Muhr, J., & Dorodnikov, M. (2024). Alternate wetting-drying had no preferences for rice P uptake but increased microbial P allocation to phospholipids: Evidence from dual 32P and 33P labeling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 191, Artikel 109359.
Wang, C., Dippold, M. A., Guggenberger, G., Kuzyakov, Y., Guenther, S., & Dorodnikov, M. (2024). The wetter the better? Preferences in plant-microbial competition for phosphorus sources in rice cultivation under contrasting irrigation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 191, Artikel 109339.
Zamanian, K., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Tao, J., Fan, L., Raza, S., Guggenberger, G., & Kuzyakov, Y. (2024). Acidification of European croplands by nitrogen fertilization: Consequences for carbonate losses, and soil health. Science of the Total Environment, 924, Artikel 171631.