List of Publications Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth

Showing results 211 - 220 out of 259


Peth, S., Mordhorst, A., Holthusen, D., & Horn, R. (2008). Elasticity of pre-consolidated soils under monotonic increasing and cyclic loads. In Proceedings of Eurosoil "Soils - Society - Environment"
Peth, S., Holthusen, D., Markgraf, W., & Horn, R. (2008). Influence of different nutrients on rheological parameters with special regard to potassium. In W. E. H. Blum (Ed.), Proceedings of Eurosoil "Soils - Society - Environment"
Peth, S., Zhao, Y., & Horn, R. (2008). Modeling of Coupled Water and Heat Fluxes in both Unfrozen and Frozen Soils. In Proceedings of the Second HYDRUS Workshop (pp. 55-59)
Peth, S. (2008). Opening the black box inside soil aggregate pore networks. CSA News, 53, 5-6.
Peth, S., Krümmelbein, J., & Horn, R. (2008). The elasto-plastic behaviour of a variously grazed steppe soil from Inner Mongolia, P.R. China, under cyclic. In W. E. H. Blum (Ed.), Proceedings of Eurosoil "Soils - Society - Environment"
Peth, S., Horn, R., Beckmann, F., Donath, T., & Smucker, A. J. M. (2008). The interior of soil aggregates investigated by synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography. In Developments in X-Ray Tomography VI Article 70781H (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 7078).
Peth, S., Horn, R., Beckmann, F., Donath, T., Fischer, J., & Smucker, A. J. M. (2008). Three-dimensional quantification of intra-aggregate pore-space features using synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 72(4), 897-907.


Horn, R., Vossbrink, J., Peth, S., & Becker, S. (2007). Impact of modern forest vehicles on soil physical properties. Forest ecology and management, 248(1-2), 56-63.
Peth, S., Horn, R., Smucker, A. J. M., & Beckmann, F. (2007). 3D-Visualizing and quantifying pore space geometry of two contrasting soil aggregates. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 9)
Peth, S., Zhao, Y., Krümmelbein, J., & Horn, R. (2007). Modelling Grazing Intensity Effects on Water Budgets. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110(01), 151-152.