Publikationen am Institut für Bodenkunde

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Zeige Ergebnisse 151 - 160 von 740


Dinh, V. M., Nguyen, H. T., Nguyen, A. M., Nguyen, T. T., Nguyen, T. L., Uteau, D., Nguyen, N. H., Tran, T. M., Dultz, S., & Nguyen, M. N. (2022). Pelletized rice-straw biochar as a slow-release delivery medium: Potential routes for storing and serving of phosphorus and potassium. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(2), Artikel 107237.
Dorau, K., Uteau, D., Hövels, M. P., Peth, S., & Mansfeldt, T. (2022). Soil aeration and redox potential as function of pore connectivity unravelled by X-ray microtomography imaging. European journal of soil science, 73(1), Artikel e13165.
Ehlers, T. A., Chen, D., Appel, E., Bolch, T., Chen, F., Diekmann, B., Dippold, M. A., Giese, M., Guggenberger, G., Lai, H. W., Li, X., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Miehe, G., Mosbrugger, V., Mulch, A., Piao, S., Schwalb, A., ... Zhu, L. (2022). Past, present, and future geo-biosphere interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for permafrost. Earth-Science Reviews, 234, Artikel 104197.
Eslamikhah, Z. (2022). Mobility of organic matter, iron oxide and lead in a model sand and disturbed natural soil as affected by surface properties under flow conditions. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Fleck, D., Thiedau, S., Boy, D., Öser, R., Andrino de la Fuente, A., Godoy, R., Stock, S. C., Köster, M., Matus, F., Dippold, M. A., Spielvogel, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Eshel, G., Steinberger, Y., Sauheitl, L., Guggenberger, G., & Boy, J. (2022). Tipping points in biogenic weathering along two aridity gradients..
Fu, Y., Luo, Y., Tang, C., Li, Y., Guggenberger, G., & Xu, J. (2022). Succession of the soil bacterial community as resource utilization shifts from plant residues to rhizodeposits. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 173, Artikel 108785.
Gentsch, N., Heuermann, D., Boy, J., Schierding, S., Von Wirén, N., Schweneker, D., Feuerstein, U., Kümmerer, R., Bauer, B., & Guggenberger, G. (2022). Soil nitrogen and water management by winter-killed catch crops. SOIL, 8(1), 269-281.
Heuermann, D., Gentsch, N., Guggenberger, G., Reinhold-Hurek, B., Schweneker, D., Feuerstein, U., Heuermann, M. C., Groß, J., Kümmerer, R., Bauer, B., & von Wirén, N. (2022). Catch crop mixtures have higher potential for nutrient carry-over than pure stands under changing environments. European journal of agronomy, 136, Artikel 126504.
Iskandar, I., Suryaningtyas, D. T., Baskoro, D. P. T., Budi, S. W., Gozali, I., Suryanto, A., Kirmi, H., & Dultz, S. (2022). Revegetation as a driver of chemical and physical soil property changes in a post-mining landscape of East Kalimantan: A chronosequence study. CATENA, 215, Artikel 106355.
Iskandar, I., Suryaningtyas, D. T., Baskoro, D. P. T., Budi, S. W., Gozali, I., Saridi, S., Masyhuri, M., & Dultz, S. (2022). The regulatory role of mine soil properties in the growth of revegetation plants in the post-mine landscape of East Kalimantan. Ecological indicators, 139, Artikel 108877.