Publikationsliste Dr. Kazem Zamanian
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 - 20 von 77
Shao, G., Xu, Y., Zhou, J., Tian, P., Ai, J., Yang, Y., Zamanian, K., Zeng, Z., & Zang, H. (2024). Enhanced soil organic carbon stability in rhizosphere through manure application. Soil and Tillage Research, 244, Artikel 106223.
Song, J., Zhang, H., Zamanian, K., Chang, F., Yu, R., Wang, J., Zhou, J., & Li, Y. (2024). Inorganic carbon accumulation in saline soils via modification effects of organic amendments on dissolved ions and enzymes activities. CATENA, 241, Artikel 108039.
Tao, J., Fan, L., Zhou, J., Banfield, C. C., Kuzyakov, Y., & Zamanian, K. (2024). Nitrification-induced acidity controls CO2 emission from soil carbonates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 192, Artikel 109398.
Yan, Z., Jia, R., Zhou, J., Zamanian, K., Yang, Y., Mganga, K. Z., Zeng, Z., & Zang, H. (2024). Soybean inclusion reduces soil organic matter mineralization despite increasing its temperature sensitivity. Science of the Total Environment, 922, 171334. Artikel 171334.
Yang, L., Zhou, J., Zamanian, K., Zhang, K., Zhao, J., Zang, H., Yang, Y., & Zeng, Z. (2024). Peanut straw application rate had a greater effect on decomposition and nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus release than irrigation. Plant and soil, 499(1-2), 193-205.
Zamanian, K., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Tao, J., Fan, L., Raza, S., Guggenberger, G., & Kuzyakov, Y. (2024). Acidification of European croplands by nitrogen fertilization: Consequences for carbonate losses, and soil health. Science of the Total Environment, 924, Artikel 171631.
Zamanian, K. (2024). Deep-root respiration: The unknown CO2 removed from the atmosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 949, Artikel 175294.
Zhang, S., Zamanian, K., Raza, S., Raheb, A., Feng, Y., & Zhao, X. (2024). A balance among irrigation and fertilization regimes to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from saline and alkaline soils. Land degradation & development, 35(1), 168-182.
Zhao, X., Shi, J., Xue, L., Li, W., Zamanian, K., Han, J., & Chen, S. (2024). Water Point and Non-Point Nitrogen Pollution Due to Land-Use Change and Nitrate Deposition in China from 2000 to 2020. Water, 16(10), Artikel 1396.
Zhou, J., Feng, W., Brown, R. W., Yang, H., Shao, G., Shi, L., Gui, H., Xu, J., Li, F. M., Jones, D. L., & Zamanian, K. (2024). Microplastic contamination accelerates soil carbon loss through positive priming. Science of the Total Environment, 954, Artikel 176273.