Publikationsliste Dr. habil. Stefan Dultz

Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 70 von 107


Ngoc Nguyen, M., Dultz, S., & Guggenberger, G. (2013). Effects of pretreatment and solution chemistry on solubility of rice-straw phytoliths. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(3), 349-359.
Nguyen, M. N., Dultz, S., Tran, T. T. T., & Bui, A. T. K. (2013). Effect of anions on dispersion of a kaolinitic soil clay: A combined study of dynamic light scattering and test tube experiments. GEODERMA, 209-210, 209-213.
Rytwo, G., Lavi, R., Rytwo, Y., Monchase, H., Dultz, S., & König, T. N. (2013). Clarification of olive mill and winery wastewater by means of clay-polymer nanocomposites. Science of the Total Environment, 442, 134-142.
Schellhorn, M., Schenk, M. K., Schmilewski, G., Binner, I., Dultz, S., Walsch, J., Schmidt, E., Below, M., & Meyer, M. (2013). Bedeutung von Toneigenschaften für die Wahl der Tonbeimengung in gärtnerischen Torfsubstraten. Telma, (43), 19-38.


Dultz, S., An, J. H., & Riebe, B. (2012). Organic cation exchanged montmorillonite and vermiculite as adsorbents for Cr(VI): Effect of layer charge on adsorption properties. Applied clay science, 67-68, 125-133.
Hu, Q., Ewing, R. P., & Dultz, S. (2012). Low pore connectivity in natural rock. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 133, 76-83.
Kaiser, M., Ellerbrock, R. H., Wulf, M., Dultz, S., Hierath, C., & Sommer, M. (2012). The influence of mineral characteristics on organic matter content, composition, and stability of topsoils under long-term arable and forest land use. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(2), Artikel G02018.
Lessovaia, S., Dultz, S., Polekhovsky, Y., Krupskaya, V., Vigasina, M., & Melchakova, L. (2012). Rock control of pedogenic clay mineral formation in a shallow soil from serpentinous dunite in the Polar Urals Russia. Applied clay science, 64, 4-11.
Peng, S., Hu, Q., Dultz, S., & Zhang, M. (2012). Using X-ray computed tomography in pore structure characterization for a Berea sandstone: Resolution effect. Journal of hydrology, 472-473, 254-261.
Simonyan, A. V., Dultz, S., & Behrens, H. (2012). Diffusive transport of water in porous fresh to altered mid-ocean ridge basalts. Chemical geology, 306-307, 63-77.