Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth

Zeige Ergebnisse 141 - 150 von 256


Peth, S., Neugebauer, T., Markgraf, W., von Rymon-Lipinsky, F., Fuchs, E., & Horn, R. (2012). Bank Stability on the River Elbe Towards Ship Generated Waves. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.
Peth, S., & Hamoudy, O. B. (2012). Creep Movement on Slopes: How Structure, Hydraulics and Mechanics Influence Deformation Patterns. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.
Peth, S., Pagenkemper, S. K., & Horn, R. (2012). Dynamics of biopore systems investigated by x-ray microtomography. In Visions for a Sustainable Planet
Peth, S., Pot, V., Vogel, L. E., Garnier, P., Pinheiro, M., Vieublé-Gonod, L., Ogurreck, M., & Beckmann, F. (2012). Exploration of Synchrotron Radiation to Visualize Water/Air Menisci in Small Soil Samples at Different Water Potentials. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.
Peth, S., & Fleige, H. (2012). Heavy soil loading its consequence for soil structure, strength, deformation of arable soils: Can risk values for soil degratation be derived and verified? . In Visions for a Sustainable Planet
Peth, S., Uteau-Puschmann, D., Pagenkemper, S. K., & Horn, R. (2012). Influence of three root systems on subsoil aeration. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.
Peth, S., Pot, V., Garnier, P., Storm, M., Ogurreck, M., & Beckmann, F. (2012). Measurement and prediction of pore scale air and water phase distribution in soil using SR-μCT and LBM. (Annual Reports of the Hamburger Synchrotron Strahlungslabor HASYLAB am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft ).
Peth, S. (2012). Shedding synchrotron light on internal structures of soils: Applications of advanced x-ray microscopy. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.
Peth, S., Mordhorst, A., & Horn, R. (2012). Spatial Distribution and Stabilization of Organic Carbon Within Macroaggregates from Arable Luvisols Under Different Soil Management. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.
Peth, S., Markgraf, W., von Rymon-Lipinsky, F., & Neugebauer, T. (2012). Structural Stability of Marshland Soils of the Riparian Zone of the Elbe Estuary and River. Abstract von Eurosoil 2012, Italien.