List of Publications Dr. Vincent Felde
Showing results 11 - 20 out of 40
Bucka, F. B., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Peth, S., & Kögel-Knabner, I. (2021). Disentangling the effects of OM quality and soil texture on microbially mediated structure formation in artificial model soils. GEODERMA, 403, Article 115213.
Bucka, F. B., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Peth, S., & Kögel-Knabner, I. (2021). Initial aggregate formation: Disentangling the effects of soil texture, OM properties and microbial community using artificial model soils. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2021.
Drahorad, S. L., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Ellerbrock, R. H., & Henss, A. (2021). Water repellency decreases with increasing carbonate content and pH for different biocrust types on sand dunes. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 69(4), 369-377.
Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Schweizer, S. A., Biesgen, D., Ulbrich, A., Uteau, D., Knief, C., Graf-Rosenfellner, M., Kögel-Knabner, I., & Peth, S. (2021). Wet sieving versus dry crushing: Soil microaggregates reveal different physical structure, bacterial diversity and organic matter composition in a clay gradient. European Journal of Soil Science, 72(2), 810-828.
Roosch, S., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Uteau, D., & Peth, S. (2021). Effect of soil organic carbon loss on the stability and structure of microaggregates: First insights from an organic carbon depletion field trial in a loess soil. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
Veste, M., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Warren, S. D., & Pietrasiak, N. (2021). Ecological Development and Functioning of Biological Soil Crusts After Natural and Human Disturbances. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, Article 713584.
Dultz, S., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Woche, S. K., Mikutta, R., Uteau, D., Peth, S., & Guggenberger, G. (2020). Pore space characteristics of soil microaggregates – Possible implications for functioning. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Rodriguez-Caballero, E., Chamizo, S., Rossi, F., Uteau, D., Peth, S., Keck, H., De Philippis, R., Belnap, J., & Eldridge, D. J. (2020). Comment on 'Kidron, G. J. (2018). Biocrust research: A critical view on eight common hydrological-related paradigms and dubious theses.Ecohydrology, e2061'. ECOHYDROLOGY, 13(6), Article e2215.
Jung, P., Baumann, K., Emrich, D., Springer, A., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Dultz, S., Baum, C., Frank, M., Büdel, B., & Leinweber, P. (2020). Lichens Bite the Dust: A Bioweathering Scenario in the Atacama Desert. iScience, 23(11), Article 101647.
Benard, P., Zarebanadkouki, M., Brax, M., Kaltenbach, R., Jerjen, I., Marone, F., Couradeau, E., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Kaestner, A., & Carminati, A. (2019). Microhydrological niches in soils: How mucilage and EPS alter the biophysical properties of the rhizosphere and other biological hotspots. Vadose zone journal, 18(1), Article 180211.