People at the Institute of Soil Science

Staff directory: people at our institute

Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger

Executive Board

Viola Rünzi
Technical and administrative staff representatives


Dr. Leopold Sauheitl

IT Representatives

IT Deputy Representatives

Safety Officers


Prof. Dr. Sabine Chabrillat
Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger
Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth

Assistant Lecturers

Postdoctoral researchers

Research Staff

Dr. Alberto Andrino de la Fuente
Dr. Susanne Karoline Woche

Lecturing Staff

Dr. rer. nat. Einar Eberhardt
Dr. rer. nat. Ernst Gehrt
Dipl.-Geol. Ralf Ronschke
PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Claus Florian Stange

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Böttcher

Doctoral Candidates

Oliver Donnerhack, M.Sc.
Stephanie Günther, M.Sc.
Jiem Krüger, Dipl. Geow.
Svenja Lena Roosch, M.Sc.


apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg Bachmann
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