The analysis and specification of physicochemical parameters affecting hydraulic properties in soils at different scales represents the research focus of our working group. Thus, we aim to link fundamental physical and chemical properties of soils to environmental studies on different scales from colloidal mass transport to erosion processes. This objective also represents the essential and innovative approach for future developments of the working group. Some of the most important research programmes were embedded in framework projects such as "SPP 1090: Carbon Sequestration in Soil", "SPP 1315 Biogeochemical Interfaces" and in the research group "FOR 1806: SUBSOM".
The focal points of these studies were the linking of the interfacial properties of soil particles and soil solution with fundamental soil physical properties, which control the degradation processes of soil organic matter, soil structure, water, heat and solution transport as well as the mobility of dissolved substances and colloidal particles in natural soils and 3-phase soil models.
Group leadership