Publications of the Soil Biophysics Group

Showing results 1 - 10 out of 59


Sepehrnia, N., Teshnizi, F. A., Hallett, P., Coyne, M., Shokri, N., & Peth, S. (2024). Modeling bacterial transport and fate: Insight into the cascading consequences of soil water repellency and contrasting hydraulic conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 954, Article 176196. Advance online publication.


Phalempin, M., Rosskopf, U., Schlüter, S., Vetterlein, D., & Peth, S. (2023). Can we use X-ray CT to generate 3D penetration resistance data? GEODERMA, 439, Article 116700.


Bachmann, J., & Goebel, M.-O. (2022). Soil water repellency. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Elsevier Inc..
Karagulyan, M., Goebel, M. O., Diehl, D., Quba, A. A. A., Kästner, M., Bachmann, J., Wick, L. Y., Schaumann, G. E., & Miltner, A. (2022). Water Stress-Driven Changes in Bacterial Cell Surface Properties. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88(21), Article e00732-22.


Drahorad, S. L., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Ellerbrock, R. H., & Henss, A. (2021). Water repellency decreases with increasing carbonate content and pH for different biocrust types on sand dunes. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 69(4), 369-377.
Leiber-Sauheitl, K., Bohne, H., & Boettcher, J. (2021). Peat substitutes from renewable resources and landscape conservation materials. Acta Horticulturae, 1305, 545-552.
Surey, R., Kaiser, K., Schimpf, C. M., Mueller, C. W., Böttcher, J., & Mikutta, R. (2021). Contribution of Particulate and Mineral-Associated Organic Matter to Potential Denitrification of Agricultural Soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, Article 640534.
Veste, M., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Warren, S. D., & Pietrasiak, N. (2021). Ecological Development and Functioning of Biological Soil Crusts After Natural and Human Disturbances. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, Article 713584.


Eden, M., Bachmann, J., Cavalaris, C., Kostopoulou, S., Kozaiti, M., & Böttcher, J. (2020). Soil structure of a clay loam as affected by long-term tillage and residue management. Soil and Tillage Research, 204, Article 104734.
Surey, R., Schimpf, C. M., Sauheitl, L., Mueller, C. W., Rummel, P. S., Dittert, K., Kaiser, K., Böttcher, J., & Mikutta, R. (2020). Potential denitrification stimulated by water-soluble organic carbon from plant residues during initial decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 147, Article 107841.