Publications of the Soil Chemistry Group

Showing results 301 - 310 out of 323


Riebe, B., Dultz, S., & Bunnenberg, C. (2005). Temperature effects on iodine adsorption on organo-clay minerals - I. Influence of pretreatment and absorption temperature. Applied clay science, 28(1-4 SPEC. ISS.), 9-16.
Rytwo, G., Gonen, Y., Afuta, S., & Dultz, S. (2005). Interactions of pendimethalin with organo-montmorillonite complexes. Applied clay science, 28(1-4 SPEC. ISS.), 67-77.
Sauheitl, L., Glaser, B., & Bol, R. (2005). Short-term dynamics of slurry-derived plant and microbial sugars in a temperate grassland soil as assessed by compound-specific δ13C analyses. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 19(11), 1437-1446.


Singer, A., Dultz, S., & Argaman, E. (2004). Properties of the non-soluble fractions of suspended dust over the Dead Sea. Atmospheric environment, 38(12), 1745-1753.


Singer, A., Ganor, E., Dultz, S., & Fischer, W. (2003). Dust deposition over the Dead Sea. Journal of arid environments, 53(1), 41-59.


Dultz, S. (2002). Effects of parent material and weathering on feldspar content in different particle size fractions from forest soils in NW Germany. GEODERMA, 106(1-2), 63-81.


Dill, H. G., & Dultz, S. (2001). Chemical facies and proximity indicators of continental - Marine sediments (Triassic to Liassic, SE Germany). Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen, 221(3), 289-324.
Riebe, B., Bors, J., & Dultz, S. (2001). Retardation capacity of organophilic bentonite for anionic fission products. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 47(2-4), 255-264.


Bors, J., Dultz, S., & Riebe, B. (2000). Organophilic bentonites as adsorbents for radionuclides I. Adsorption of ionic fission products. Applied clay science, 16(1-2), 1-13.
Dill, H. G., Wehner, H., Botz, R., & Dultz, S. (2000). Chemical logging of continental-marine depositional systems. A tool to unravel the palaeogeography and diagenetic alteration of fine-grained clastic rocks in a transitional environment of deposition (Triassic-Liassic, Southeastern Germany). Chemie der Erde, 60(2), 129-171.