List of Publications Dr. habil. Stefan Dultz
Showing results 51 - 60 out of 107
Schampera, B., Solc, R., Woche, S. K., Mikutta, R., Dultz, S., Guggenberger, G., & Tunega, D. (2015). Surface structure of organoclays as examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. Clay minerals, 50(3), 353-367.
Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Dultz, S., Joergensen, R. G., & Ludwig, B. (2014). Rate of soil-aggregate formation under different organic matter amendments-a short-term incubation experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(2), 297-306.
Dultz, S., Boy, J., Dupont, C., Halisch, M., Behrens, H., Welsch, A.-M., Erdmann, M., Cramm, S., Helsch, G., & Deubener, J. (2014). Alteration of a Submarine Basaltic Glass under Environmental Conditions Conducive for Microorganisms: Growth Patterns of the Microbial Community and Mechanism of Palagonite Formation. Geomicrobiology journal, 31(9), 813-834.
Lessovaia, S., Dultz, S., Goryachkin, S., Plötze, M., Polekhovsky, Y., Andreeva, N., & Filimonov, A. (2014). Mineralogy and pore space characteristics of traprocks from Central Siberia, Russia: Prerequisite of weathering trends and soil formation. Applied clay science, 102, 186-195.
Meinsen, J., Winsemann, J., Roskosch, J., Brandes, C., Frechen, M., Dultz, S., & Böttcher, J. (2014). Climate control on the evolution of Late Pleistocene alluvial-fan and aeolian sand-sheet systems in NW Germany. BOREAS, 43(1), 42-66.
Nguetnkam, J., & Dultz, S. (2014). Clay dispersion in typical soils of north cameroon as a function of ph and electrolyte concentration. Land Degradation and Development, 25(2), 153-162.
Peng, S., Marone, F., & Dultz, S. (2014). Resolution effect in X-ray microcomputed tomography imaging and small pore's contribution to permeability for a Berea sandstone. Journal of hydrology, 510, 403-411.
Dultz, S., Simonyan, A. V., Pastrana, J., Behrens, H., Plötze, M., & Rath, T. (2013). Implications of pore space characteristics on diffusive transport in basalts and granites. Environmental earth sciences, 69(3), 969-985.
Dultz, S., Below, M., Walsch, J., Schmilewski, G., Schellhorn, M., & Schmidt, E. (2013). Optimization of clay amendment for improving the re-wettability of peat-based growing media. In International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting and Substrate Analysis (pp. 131-138). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 1013). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Mulder, I., Huber, S. G., Krause, T., Zetzsch, C., Kotte, K., Dultz, S., & Schöler, H. F. (2013). A new purge and trap headspace technique to analyze low volatile compounds from fluid inclusions of rocks and minerals. Chemical geology, 358, 148-155.