List of Publications Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth

Showing results 61 - 70 out of 256


Liu, L., De Kock, T., Wilkinson, J., Cnudde, V., Xiao, S., Buchmann, C., Uteau, D., Peth, S., & Lorke, A. (2018). Methane Bubble Growth and Migration in Aquatic Sediments Observed by X-ray μcT. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(4), 2007-2015.
Mugnai, G., Rossi, F., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Colesie, C., Buedel, B., Peth, S., Kaplan, A., & De Philippis, R. (2018). Development of the polysaccharidic matrix in biocrusts induced by a cyanobacterium inoculated in sand microcosms. Biology and fertility of soils, 54(1), 27-40.
Mugnai, G., Rossi, F., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Colesie, C., Büdel, B., Peth, S., Kaplan, A., & De Philippis, R. (2018). The potential of the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya ohadii as inoculum for stabilizing bare sandy substrates. Soil biology & biochemistry, 127, 318-328.
Peth, S., Wittig, M., & Uteau-Puschmann, D. (2018). Micro- and macro-scale structures of root and earthworm induced biopore networks. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Austria.
Rahmati, M., Weihermueller, L., Vanderborght, J., Pachepsky, Y. A., Mao, L., Sadeghi, S. H., Moosavi, N., Kheirfam, H., Montzka, C., Van Looy, K., Toth, B., Hazbavi, Z., Al Yamani, W., Albalasmeh, A. A., Alghzawi, M. Z., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Dantas Antonino, A. C., Arampatzis, G., Armindo, R. A., ... Vereecken, H. (2018). Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database. Earth system science data, 10(3), 1237-1263.
Totsche, K. U., Amelung, W., Gerzabek, M. H., Guggenberger, G., Klumpp, E., Knief, C., Lehndorff, E., Mikutta, R., Peth, S., Prechtel, A., Ray, N., & Kögel-Knabner, I. (2018). Microaggregates in soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181(1), 104-136.
Uteau, D., Weber, M., Petrich, L., Schmidt, V., & Peth, S. (2018). Assessing differences in soil structure and biopore networks, generated by three precrops, using 3D image analysis. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Austria.


Bauer, B., Cai, X., Peth, S., Schladitz, K., & Steidl, G. (2017). Variational-based segmentation of bio-pores in tomographic images. Computers & geosciences, 98, 1-8.
Bilibio, C., Schellert, C., Retz, S., Hensel, O., Schmeisky, H., Uteau, D., & Peth, S. (2017). Water balance assessment of different substrates on potash tailings piles using non-weighable lysimeters. Journal of Environmental Management, 196, 633-643.
Buchmann, C., Kamutzki, S., Horvat, M., Peth, S., & Schaumann, G. E. (2017). How does particulate organic matter (POM) swelling affect soil –water interactions and soil structural stability on different scales?. Abstract from Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, Germany.