List of Publications Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth
Showing results 201 - 210 out of 262
Peth, S., Beckmann, F., Storm, M., Ogurreck, M., & Horn, R. (2009). Intra-aggregate pore systems of Fluvisols investigated by SR-μCT. (Annual Report of the Hamburger Synchrotron Strahlungslabor HASYLAB am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft HGF).
Peth, S., Markgraf, W., Fleige, H., & Horn, R. (2009). LCKW Kontamination von Boden als poröses, ungesättigtes Medium: ein bodenphysikalisches Sanierungskonzept. Abstract from DBG Jahrestagung 2009, Germany.
Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2009). Soil Deformation as a Dynamic Process and Its Relation to Structure and Soil Water Pressure. In Footprints in the Landscape: Sustainability through Plant and Soil Science
Peth, S., Rostek, J., Zink, A., Mordhorst, A., & Horn, R. (2009). Soil Testing of Dynamic Deformation Processes of Arable Soils. In ISTRO 18th Triennial Conference Proceedings (pp. T4-032-1-14)
Peth, S., Zhao, Y., & Horn, R. (2009). Spatio-Temporal Variations of Soil Moisture and its Controlling Factors in a Semi-Arid Steppe of Inner Mongolia, P.R. China. In ISTRO 18th Triennial Conference Proceedings (pp. T4-030-1-10)
Peth, S., Horn, R., & Trükmann, K. (2009). Stabilisierungseffekte von Pflanzenwurzeln als Möglichkeit zur Reduzierung der mechanischen Bodendeformationen in Grünland. Abstract from DBG Jahrestagung 2009, Germany.
Peth, S., Holthusen, D., & Horn, R. (2009). The Impact of Potassium Concentration on Soil Samples and Matric Potential on Rheological Parameters. In ISTRO 18th Triennial Conference Proceedings (pp. T4-023-1-11)
Peth, S., Holthusen, D., & Horn, R. (2009). Wirkung von Düngesalzen auf rheologische Stabilitätsparameter. Abstract from DBG Jahrestagung 2009, Germany.
Richards, B. G., & Peth, S. (2009). Modelling soil physical behaviour with particular reference to soil science. Soil and Tillage Research, 102(2), 216-224.
Krümmelbein, J., Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2008). Determination of pre-compression stress of a variously grazed steppe soil under static and cyclic loading. Soil and Tillage Research, 99(2), 139-148.