Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Guggenberger

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 362


Danise, T., De Castro, O., Zaccone, C., Guggenberger, G., Menta, C., Innangi, M., De Luca, D., Di Iorio, E., Turchetti, B., & Fioretto, A. (2025). Implications of nurse species in mixed forest plantations management on soil fungal community diversity. Applied soil ecology, 206, Artikel 105892.
Leiber-Sauheitl, K., Bozinis, N., & Guggenberger, G. (2025). Fasernesselschäben und fermentierte Gärprodukte als potenzielle Substratausgangsstoffe im Erwerbsgartenbau: Neue Erkenntnisse aus Substrat- und Pflanzentests. DGG Proceedings, 12(3), 1-8.
Sun, H., Ma, X., Van Zwieten, L., Luo, Y., Brown, R. W., Guggenberger, G., Tang, S., Kuzyakov, Y., & Jeewani, P. H. (2025). Iron oxides promote physicochemical stabilization of carbon despite enhancing microbial activity in the rice rhizosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 958, Artikel 178019.
Xia, Y., Gao, P., Lei, W., Gao, J., Luo, Y., Peng, F., Mou, T., Zhao, Z., Zhang, K., Guggenberger, G., Zhang, H., & Zhang, Z. (Angenommen/im Druck). Covering green manure increases rice yields via improving nitrogen cycling between soil and crops in paddy fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 383, Artikel 109517.
Yin, X., Wang, W., Zou, Y., Song, Z., Sardans, J., Wiesmeier, M., Guggenberger, G., Li, Q., Chen, J., & Peñuelas, J. (2025). Intertidal zonation of mangrove organic carbon fractions driven by vegetation biomass and soil nutrient levels. CATENA, 250, Artikel 108722.


Amelung, W., Tang, N., Siebers, N., Aehnelt, M., Eusterhues, K., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K., Kögel-Knabner, I., Klumpp, E., Knief, C., Kruse, J., Lehndorff, E., Mikutta, R., Peth, S., Ray, N., Prechtel, A., Ritschel, T., Schweizer, S. A., ... Totsche, K. U. (2024). Architecture of soil microaggregates: Advanced methodologies to explore properties and functions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 187(1), 17-50.
Donnerhack, O., Liebmann, P., Maurischat, P., & Guggenberger, G. (2024). Post fire Black Carbon alteration: Rapid changes in a supposedly inert pool.
Dultz, S., Speth, M., Kaiser, K., Mikutta, R., & Guggenberger, G. (2024). Size, shape, and stability of organic particles formed during freeze–thaw cycles: Model experiments with tannic acid. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 667, 563-574.
Fu, Y., Luo, Y., Qi, J., He, X., Zhang, H., Guggenberger, G., & Xu, J. (2024). Shift of microbial taxa and metabolisms relying on carbon sources of rhizodeposits and straw of Zea mays L. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 198, Artikel 109578.
Gentsch, N., Riechers, F. L., Boy, J., Schweneker, D., Feuerstein, U., Heuermann, D., & Guggenberger, G. (2024). Cover crops improve soil structure and change organic carbon distribution in macroaggregate fractions. SOIL, 10(1), 139-150.