Publikationsliste apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg Bachmann
Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 60 von 127
Diehl, D., Schneckenburger, T., Krüger, J., Göbel, M. O., Woche, S. K., Schwarz, J., Shchegolikhina, A., Lang, F., Marschner, B., Thiele-Bruhn, S., Bachmann, J., & Schaumann, G. E. (2014). Effect of multivalent cations, temperature and aging on soil organic matter interfacial properties. Environmental chemistry, 11(6), 709-718.
Diehl, D., Schwarz, J., Goebel, M. O., Woche, S. K., Schneckenburger, T., Krüger, J., Shchegolikhina, A., Marschner, B., Lang, F., Thiele-Bruhn, S., Bachmann, J., & Schaumann, G. E. (2014). Effect of multivalent cations, temperature, and aging on SOM thermal properties. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 118(2), 1203-1213.
Ganz, C., Bachmann, J., Noell, U., Duijnisveld, W. H. M., & Lamparter, A. (2014). Hydraulic modeling and in situ electrical resistivity tomography to analyze ponded infiltration into a water repellent sand. Vadose zone journal, 13(1).
Hassan, M., Woche, S. K., & Bachmann, J. (2014). How the root zone modifies soil wettability: Model experiments with alfalfa and wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(3), 449-458.
Lamparter, A., Bachmann, J., Woche, S. K., & Goebel, M. O. (2014). Biogeochemical interface formation: Wettability affected by organic matter sorption and microbial activity. Vadose zone journal, 13(7).
Reszkowska, A., Bachmann, J., Lamparter, A., Diamantopoulos, E., & Durner, W. (2014). The effect of temperature-induced soil water repellency on transient capillary pressure-water content relations during capillary rise. European journal of soil science, 65(3), 369-376.
Shchegolikhina, A., Kunhi mouvenchery, Y., Woche, S. K., Bachmann, J., Schaumann, G. E., & Marschner, B. (2014). Cation treatment and drying-temperature effects on nonylphenol and phenanthrene sorption to a sandy soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(2), 141-149.
Bachmann, J., Goebel, M. O., & Woche, S. K. (2013). Small-scale contact angle mapping on undisturbed soil surfaces. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 61(1), 3-8.
Carlos Ramírez-Flores, J., & Bachmann, J. (2013). Analyzing capillary-rise method settings for contact-angle determination of granular media§. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176(1), 19-16.
Diamantopoulos, E., Durner, W., Reszkowska, A., & Bachmann, J. (2013). Effect of soil water repellency on soil hydraulic properties estimated under dynamic conditions. Journal of hydrology, 486, 175-186.