Dr. Katharina Leiber-Sauheitl
Dr. Katharina Leiber-Sauheitl
Herrenhäuser Straße 2
30419 Hannover
30419 Hannover
Research Staff
Soil Science Section
Research Staff
Section Soil Chemistry
Focus in research and teaching
- Substitute materials for peat in horticulture
- Greenhouse gas measurements and modeling in peatlands
- Microcosm experiments
- Stable isotope tracer techniques
- Biomarkers in plants and soils
Curriculum vitae
Professional background
Studies in geoecology at the University of Bayreuth2008
Diploma thesis in soil science2008-2010
Scientific staff member in the soil physics section at the University of Bayreuth2010-2016
Scientific staff member at the Thuenen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Braunschweig2011-2015
PhD thesis at the Institute of Soil Science, Leibniz University Hannover “Shallow organic soils as significant greenhouse gas source”Since 09/2016
DBU Project “Entwicklung eines Prüfrasters für die Herstellung von Torfersatzstoffen mit hoher Kultursicherheit für den Erwerbsgartenbau“ -
Review activity
Ad-hoc reviewer for
- Geoderma
- Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry